Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Dealing with Excessive and Abnormal Body Hair

Almost every woman has fine hair on different parts of the face and body. This peachy fuzz is lightly visible and can be easily eliminated with common hair removal techniques. It will grow back with time but is not a major problem as such.

On the other hand, the hair growth on the face or body can turn dark, thick and coarse at times. This kind of fast and excessive hair usually manifest on the arms, chest and back apart from the chin, neck and sides of the cheeks. Known as hirsutism, it is associated with excess male hormones (androgens) in the body. Hypertrichosis is a similar condition that results from other factors and is defined by increased hair anywhere on the body.

Women are quite bothered by such quick and unwarranted hair growth and wish for natural hair growth inhibitors to get permanently rid of the unwanted hair.

 Understanding the condition

Excessive body or facial hair is usually attributed to an underlying thyroid condition or hormonal imbalance in the body. It could be due to a surplus production of testosterone, polycystic ovarian syndrome or other adrenal gland disorders.

While healthcare professionals will try to manage the condition with anti-androgen medications, hormone management, weight loss and other therapies, constant hair removal becomes necessary for checking the appearance of the unsightly hair in different areas.

Women usually go for regular threading, waxing or depilatories, with the latter proving to be an easy and effective solution. However, the hair keeps reappearing within days and the treatments can prove to be quite cumbersome. While electrolysis and laser hair removal are supposed to be a permanent remedy, the dermatologists allow that the hair can reappear on account of the hormonal imbalance and refuse to guarantee the results. Not to mention that they can be quite expensive, lengthy and even painful at times.

Best solution in sight

Natural hair growth inhibitors emerge as a better option for dealing with such excessive hair issues. This is because the effect is not limited to hair removal. It works on gradually slowing down the hair growth over a period of time. With daily maintenance, the hair reappearance becomes slower and slower before disappearing altogether. Finally what is left is smooth and hair-free skin!

Hair No More offers revolutionary products in the form of Hair Inhibitor Soothing Gel and Spray Mist – the former gel can be liberally applied on large body areas like chest, arms, back and legs while the latter is in spray form for use on the face and other smaller areas of the body requiring more precise application. What’s more, the formula is enriched with natural vitamins, herbs, antioxidants and 5 bio-enzymatic plant extracts that will nourish the skin and leave it dewy smooth. The ingredients are further designed to protect the skin from environmental damage and free radicals too!

Monday, October 25, 2021

Exfoliation with Hair Removal – What More Can One Want!

The common method of using depilatory creams for removing hair from the face is to exfoliate the skin before applying the said product. The facial exfoliation prevents ingrown hair and prepares the skin for the hair removal. However, what if the hair removal cream itself exfoliates even as it weakens and dissolves the hair to allow for easy removal?

facial exfoliation usa

Indeed, Hair No More’s ( Advanced Hair Remover Crème performs a dual function of depilation and exfoliation. As it removes the upper layer of dead cells clogging the skin, the chemicals can actually get absorbed deeper, thus allowing the hair shafts to break from the root itself – and not just from the skin surface like other depilatory creams. 

Therefore, the skin becomes soft and smooth even as it starts looking luminous. The deeper hair removal further gives a flawless look and feels incredible to the touch. Moreover, other skincare products can get better absorbed into the skin, thus increasing their effectiveness.

Technique of application

Wash the face with a cleanser, rinse with cool water and pat it dry with a clean towel. Take a dollop of the depilatory cream and apply it on the hair on the face – it can be used on the upper lip, chin, cheeks, eyebrows or forehead as desired. Men can opt for it for the beard as well.

All the hair that has to be removed should be completely coated with a thick layer of the cream. Wash the hands with soap and water while leaving the cream in place for the exact time as mentioned on the pack. (Don’t leave it for longer than instructed in a bid for better results as this can even burn the skin on occasion.)Rest assured that there will not be any burning sensation. Doing a patch test is still advisable.

Start removing the cream from a corner with a wash cloth. Take a close look to check that the hair has dissolved and is coming away properly. Gently wipe away all the cream before rinsing with cool water and drying the skin.

As the dead cells have been removed during the facial exfoliation, it will reveal a new layer of soft, smooth and fresh hair-free skin. A moisturizer can be applied if required.

Make note that Hair No More will never cause ingrown hair. It can remove even unwanted facial hair growth because of hormonal imbalance or menopausal conditions. Regrowth will not be visible for a minimum of 3 to 6 weeks, may be even longer.

This can be followed by a hair growth inhibitor like the Advanced Soothing Gel inhibitor. Regular use will slow down the hair growth before it stops completely, leaving the face completely free of unwanted hair forever and ever!

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Depilation – Pain-Free, Effective and Easy

Body hair is normal. Everyone has it. But this does not mean that we have to like it! In fact, most people prefer to have the hair-free look with soft and smooth skin.

This penchant for removing hair has given rise to different methods – from shaving and tweezing to waxing to electrolysis and laser hair removal. However, the problem is that none of them actually allow painless hair removal; each method comes with its own drawbacks. 

painless body hair removal in USA

Shaving merely cuts the hair at the surface which causes it to grow back almost immediately, not to mention the uncomfortable sensation of prickly arms and legs. The razor nicks and burns are almost unavoidable as well. Waxing does pull out the hair from the root, thus permitting longer intervals of hairless skin. But as most of us may have experienced, this is accompanied by a lot of teeth clenching and tensing up from the pain. Laser can give permanent results, but the financial burden will be quite long-lasting too!

This opens the door to another option called depilatory creams. Better known as hair removal creams, this is a simple option that can be quickly done at home, while in the shower itself. Indeed, hair removal becomes as easy as literally wiping away the hair!

How does it work?

When the depilatory cream is applied on the skin, the alkaline ingredients cause a chemical reaction to take place. The hair swells and the keratin structure – which is basically the protein in the hair – breaks down. The hair starts to become thin before dissolving into a jelly-like consistency. When wiped, the weak hair breaks and comes off easily.

And as the cream penetrates into the hair follicle, the shaft breaks off a little lower into the skin’s surface. Yet, there is no scope for cuts or pain from yanking of the hair. It follows that the effects last longer than shaving with the hair growing back softer and finer too. What’s more, it is quick, comfortable and affordable.

While the ingredients are safe for the skin and can be used on any part of the body, it is always better to do a small patch test to check for any possible side effects.

The Hair No More Advantage

There are depilatory creams and then there is Hair No More ( The difference lies in the fact that this all-natural and organic painless hair removal formula actually manages to remove the hair from the root itself. It also exfoliates the skin by removing dead skin cells and eliminates the possibility of ingrown hair. Enriched with anti-inflammatory ingredients like aloevera, green tea and vitamin E, the cream will not irritate sensitive skin. And the lemon citrus and other plant extracts ensure that the formula is not stinky – in fact it will smell like a soothing tropical blend!

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Removing Unwanted Facial Hair – A Better Option Than Shaving!

Removing unwanted facial hair is a choice – and many a lady prefers to go the hair-free route. Indeed, women around the world are always on the lookout for the best and most lasting options for removing hair from their upper lip, chin, forehead, neck, side locks, cheeks and more. Something that can actually stop facial hair growth will be a dream come true!

stop facial hair growth USA

Shaving is considered the quickest and easiest option for getting rid of fine hair on the face. However, fact of the matter is that there is many a fallout to taking a razor to the face. Such as:

  • The blade only cuts the base of the hair on the surface of the skin while the root remains intact inside. Therefore, the hair will tend to regrow faster. Some women find that they need to shave off the stubble every few days and the frequency leaves the skin irritated and even inflamed.
  • Facial hair is supposed to be fine and soft. However, shaving cuts the hair at an angle, which leaves the edges blunt and rough which can feel quite prickly to the touch. Post-shaving, the regrowth on the face can also turn dark and coarse (akin to that in the armpits and pubic region) even though the actual composition of the hair will not change. This is why shaving is better left for the arms and legs where coarse hair is still tolerable.
  • Be it a single-bladed razor or a five blade one, we all know that shaving is asking for nicks, cuts and even razor burns at times. No one can escape the occasional mishap.
  • Women who shave find that they often end up with ingrown hair with the hair follicle growing inside the skin rather than outside. This not only looks unbecoming but can even turn painful or infectious. At times, they may develop into pustules or cysts.

On the other hand, depilatory creams can literally wipe away facial hair! It is so very easy to use and does not cause any pain either. The regrowing hair remains soft and tapered as usual; the regrowth is also much slower than shaving. There is no in growth either.

Hair No More ( offers a revolutionary Advanced Hair Remover Crème, an all-natural product that is safe, effective and organic. It is pharmaceutical grade with ingredients that are FDA approved, registered and trademarked. This can be topped off with a hair inhibitor Soothing Gel/Spray Mist which can actually stop facial hair growth. What’s more, even these inhibitors are composed of completely natural vitamins, herbs, antioxidants and bio-enzymatic plant extracts.

In sum, removing unwanted hair from the face is a choice – choose the best option if you wish to proceed with hair removal to fully enjoy the much desired hair-free results!

Stop facial hair growth in minutes

Not every hair removing treatment is time taking or painful. All it demands is a bit of regularity and dedication. You can remove unwanted h...